Dental implants on Bromley: the root of the matter

Many people think that a dental implant is there simply to hold a false tooth or multiple false teeth in place and while this is certainly part of it, it isn’t its only job. There is another function that dental implants in Bromley perform that is absolutely vital, which is supporting the structure of the face as well as any other teeth that remain in the mouth. At Bromley Dental Practice we know and understand this function thoroughly which is why, when we suggest dental implants as a tooth replacement, we don’t do lightly. This is because we know it’s a long journey to undertake and wouldn’t recommend such a big surgery if it wasn’t actually necessary.


Dental implants hidden benefit

So what is this highly important function that dental implants in Bromley serve? Long story short – they keep your face in place. Seriously, here’s how it works.

The entire function of the bones surrounding the teeth is to keep the teeth in place. When you lose a tooth the bone no longer serves a purpose, so the body decides it’s time to reabsorb the bone. This is actually a delicate part of the ageing process but once that bone starts to dissolve, your face appears more sunken and you look older.

A dental implant replaces the tooth’s root thus encouraging the bone to grow and stay in place instead of dissolving. It does this through the use of titanium, a metal alloy which in the ’60s was discovered to be a brilliant substance to strengthen bone, as bone tissue in both humans and other mammals loves to grow around and fuse with this particular metal.

Does this mean that you need to replace each tooth with an implant? – No

While you can replace a single missing tooth with a dental implant that supports one false tooth, you can actually support a full set of dentures on only 4 implants and still have the full hidden benefits of implants. 4 carefully placed implants (2 at the top and 2 at the bottom) can support the entire jaw bone.

How does the surgery work?

Once you have been cleared for dental implant surgery we will numb the area of the face that needs to be worked on. It is important for nervous patients to note that this surgery can be performed under sedation, so that you can get through it without any anxiety. Once the area is numb we will cut open the gum so that we can drill a hole into the bone big enough for the implant to be screwed in. Once the implant is in we will close it up again and send you home for 6 months in order for the healing and fusing process to be complete, but don’t worry, you will be provided with a temporary crown or denture for that time.

After 6 months an abutment will be fitted to the dental implants in Bromley upon which a false tooth or set of false teeth can be fixed, and then your treatment is complete.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


The ultimate solution for missing teeth with dental implants in Bromley

When it comes to missing teeth there are a number of solutions that could help you, but by far the most secure, and long-lasting solution is dental implants in Bromley. We at Bromley Dental Practice know this to be true but don’t take our word for it, let us explain each option available for missing teeth and compare them to implants so that you can make your own decisions for the future of your oral health.


Crown Bridges

A bridge of teeth is used to close a gap of multiple missing teeth or just a single missing tooth, so if you have a few teeth in a row missing, this bridge of false teeth is custom created to fit in your specific gap. On each side of these false teeth are crowns which are secured onto the teeth that exist on each side of the gap, these teeth will need to be filed down slightly in order to snugly fit into the crowns but once the bridge is fixed in place the dental arch will be restored once more. The problem with bridges is that food can slip under the bridge as it rests gently on top of the gum so careful care and cleaning needs to be done when wearing bridges to avoid rotting food and gum disease.


Dentures have been worn for centuries and while the materials used have evolved to look as convincing as possible and they do a moderately good job of chewing food there are some major downfalls to these oral appliances.

Unreliable – the biggest problem patients have with loose-fitting dentures is that they fall out at the worst times when singing, laughing or even eating making these patients feel very self-conscious about partaking in these activities publicly thus lowering their quality of life enjoyment.

Breakable – because dentures are completely removable and can fall out, they are in fact more susceptible to breakage which can be costly in the long run.

Bone loss – there is a simple inescapable fact when it comes to losing teeth, once the tooth is completely gone, root and all, the bone no longer serves the function of holding it in place and so the body begins to reabsorb it. Those who wear dentures for a long time will suffer significant bone loss in the jaw.

Dental implants

Dental implants in Bromley offer a solution to all these problems as they are able to secure a single false tooth in place and well as bridges and an entire set of dentures too. By securing these different kinds of false teeth patients need not worry about food getting stuck and rotting, they need not worry about anything falling out and embarrassing them and they can rest assured that their bone remains firmly in place and are even encouraged to grow back through the use of titanium implanted into the jaw.

What you need to know about dental implants in Bromley is that they require surgery and have a long healing period of about 6 months before the false teeth can be secured to them. There is sedation on offer for patients nervous about the surgery and we will never send our patients home with a gap in the smile, we will provide a temporary false tooth, bridge or lose denture while you wait for your body to heal.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Get a new look with dental implants in Bromley

Whether you are about to have a number of teeth extracted, have been used to living with a bridge or even a full set of dentures, there is an option for you to replace missing teeth (however many that may be) with dental implants in Bromley. Achieve a new look and a transformed smile that not only works perfectly but re-establishes confidence in your day to day living because we at Bromley Dental Practice understand just how low your confidence and mental health can get if you are self-conscious about your teeth and we want to restore them in order to get you back to living in full abundance.


Why implants are your best option

Let’s start with the obvious; a loose set of dentures are always at risk of falling out at inopportune moments, it makes eating certain foods or even laughing a risky business when you are in public. Patients who have been living with dentures know what it means to always be thinking about what activities would make their teeth fall out causing a great deal of embarrassment which is something everyone wants to avoid. This can lead to a hesitation towards or even avoidance of partaking in activities and even eating foods that were once loved, this is no way to live and with dental implants in Bromley, we hope to change all of that.

Aside from the mental health issues that go along with avoidance behavior, there is an underlying physical problem that occurs when there are one or a few teeth missing and this is bone loss. The human body is capable of many things, including reabsorbing bone it no longer needs, the jaw bone is there to hold the teeth in place and therefore the teeth give it something to latch onto, but when we are missing teeth due to injury, decay or simply old age, the jaw bone no longer serves the body so it begins to dissolve, causing the face to appear sunken and old.

Both these issues are serious but both are avoidable with implants, in fact they are reversible. By having a set of fixed implants which secure false teeth neatly in place, you will be able to partake in activities and enjoy all the foods you would normally have without worrying about your teeth falling out. Also, your jaw bone will once again have something to latch onto and is encouraged to grow back thanks to the titanium used for the implant which human bone tissue loves to grow on.

The procedure

This is an intense surgical procedure that can last a few hours if multiple dental implants in Bromley are needed, but as with all dental procedures you will not feel a thing as your mouth will be made numb and, if you are particularly nervous, we can even provide you with a sedative that will help you relax.

The implant dentist will carefully cut open the gum and drill into the bone in order to place the implant. Then the gum will be stitched up and you will be provided with a temporary bridge or denture in order to return home for a few months while the bone healing process takes place. We will then secure the implant to the jaw enough to fix a false tooth or set of dentures to.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


A guide to dental implants in Bromley

The unfortunate reality of a missing or broken tooth could result in a loss of confidence and no small amount of personal embarrassment. Even a set of dentures for those of you who have tried to hide missing teeth may cause you some discomfort and insecurity when it comes to speaking or even eating in public. Getting dental implants in Bromley, here at the Bromley Dental Practice can bring back quality of life as well as your former confidence by getting implants that fit securely in your jawbone to support a convincing and secure set of crowns or bridges so that your life can go back to normal.


Where dental implants started

Implants today come from centuries worth of testing and learning, you can be confident that dentists have been improving this procedure well past what you may even know about your own family tree. Evidence of the ancient Chinese having used bamboo pegs to replace missing teeth has been discovered, as well as similar evidence from the ancient Egyptians. But it wasn’t until the 1960s that the procedure we use today was first invented and the research that has been done since has given us the immensely successful results published in many studies.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants in Bromley are small titanium posts or screws that are planted and embedded into your jawbone. Titanium is very tough and has a high tensile strength which makes it the preferred material for this procedure, it is also the only metal that isn’t rejected by the human body, in fact, bone loves to grow and fuse with it. The implants act like the root of a tooth to hold not only the tooth but the bone itself in place.

The procedure

We offer sedation for nervous patients, those of you who have anxieties about being at the dentist or having surgery can have it performed while sleeping. The surgery in question can take from 30 minutes for a single implant to 3-4 hours for multiple implants but wherever your needs may be, the surgery itself remains the same.

The dentist will numb the area that needs to be worked on even if you are sedated, our aim is  to not cause you pain but to improve your quality of life. Once the area is ready a small incision will be made in the gum in order to expose the bone, in some cases a tooth will first need to be removed. Once the dentist has made space for the implant with drills and other special tools, the titanium screw is then inserted and the area is stitched up. It will then be up to your body to heal, as the bone needs to grow around the implant, this can take 6-8 months to occur before permanent dentures, crowns, or bridges can be attached.

Will I ever have gaps?

Never. Immediately after surgery, you will be fitted with a set of temporary crowns or bridges, you will need to handle these with care over the course of the healing period and be mindful of the foods you eat but we will never leave you with embarrassing gaps when you get dental implants in Bromley.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Dental implants in Bromley, the solution to an unfortunate accident

Unfortunately, accidents happen; whether you fell down the stairs, got into an altercation or were involved in some other kind of mishap that resulted in a severe knock to the face, it has still caused a tooth to come loose and fall out. We at Bromley Dental Practice understand that this can be a very distressing situation for many people, but would like you to rest assured that with dental implants in Bromley, the solution to fixing the new gap in your smile is tried and tested and can make your smile look just like new again.


The danger of missing a tooth

Even just losing one tooth can create a host of problems in your mouth that you may be unaware of. If a front tooth gets knocked out the obvious main concern is that your smile is affected and you may lose a lot of confidence because of it, and if a back molar falls out, you may have issues with chewing; but what is more concerning than either of these things is the knock-on effect it will have on the other teeth. When space opens up between teeth it gives the other teeth an opportunity to move and shift and even to become infected.

What the root of a secure tooth does when it is anchored in the jaw is support the bone structure, if the root is pulled out, you will begin to lose bone mass in that area over time and it will become more difficult to get an implant to secure itself in place. The loss of bone mass will begin to change the shape of your face, making your cheeks appear sunken and aged, due to a loss of fullness, but all this can be avoided with dental implants in Bromley.

The single implant

For some people more than one tooth needs replacing, sometimes it’s a whole row, but in the case of an injury resulting in a single missing tooth, your surgery won’t take as long as a major smile replacement, and the healing time will be much quicker.

Once the dentist has made sure the area is clear of debris and is properly prepared for the implant, they will then place the titanium implant into the bone and sew the gum shut once more. Then a temporary tooth is attached to the area, so that you won’t need to worry about your aesthetics while you wait a few months for the bone to fuse with the implant.

At your final appointment, your dentist will check that the fusion process has worked correctly and if the implant is stable then a more permanent tooth is fixed to the abutment which is attached to the implant.

By restoring your mouth to its most natural state, you can boost your confidence with a winning smile that allows you to eat, talk and laugh as you normally used to prior to the accident, also there is no change in lifestyle with dental implants in Bromley. You can clean your teeth as usual, in fact, you may very probably forget that you even have an implant and prosthetic, due to how well they fit and function inside your mouth.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Should I get dental implants in Bromley?

If you have one or several missing teeth then it is time to consider getting dental implants in Bromley. The longer you leave it the more likely the chances are of developing other dental issues that go beyond the aesthetic. We, at Bromley Dental Practice, have a list of options to suit your individual tooth replacement needs and will get you back to having the confident smile you deserve. However before going to your initial appointment we would like to answer as many questions as possible for you, to help put your mind at ease.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants in Bromley are titanium posts that are placed in the jawbone, which mimic the root of a natural tooth. They anchor a false tooth in the mouth with great long-lasting success in the majority of cases, supporting natural looking prostheses for many years.

Dental implants are an important option for replacing missing teeth, because they support the jaw structure, thus avoiding any changes in the facial shape or sunken looking jaws that will make you look older than you are. They are not just there to fill the gap in a smile, although they work seamlessly for that purpose, they are created for overall dental health and longevity helping you continue with life unimpeded. With these implants, you will be able to enjoy all the foods you desire and continue to take care of your oral health in the long run.

What do they feel like?

The surgery itself is performed under local anaesthetic ensuring that you go through the procedure with minimal to no discomfort, it is considered to be gentle, as no force is used as in the case with tooth removal surgery where some force is necessary. Once the implant is in place, the gum will be closed to allow the healing process to take place, and once the swelling goes down after a few days it will feel completely normal.

After surgery

It is normal to feel a little tender after the anaesthetic wears off, and for a few days it is advised that you chew away from the site of the new implant. In the case where a bridge is attached on the same day as the implant surgery, a diet of soft foods will be recommended for a short while. A course of antibiotics and mouthwash will be prescribed to ensure that infection does not occur and about two weeks after surgery you will visit your dentist again for a post-operative check-up, to see how well you are healing and to remove any stitches.

It will take a few months for your bone to fuse to the implant, but in that time a temporary tooth, crown, or bridge will be fixed into place, so that you may go about your life with confidence while you wait for your body to heal.

Consult your dentist about your options for dental implants in Bromley and the many benefits you will receive for taking care of your oral health in this way.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Implant retained dentures

Throughout our lives, our teeth may undergo damage from accidents or things such as tooth decay which causes them to be severely damaged or perhaps even to become entirely missing. When an individual tooth does go missing, this is when Dental Implants in Bromley can help. Dental Implants in Bromley can replace missing or severely damaged teeth, and provide a new, prosthetic tooth that is made out of durable materials such as metal or porcelain to act as a substitute for an old tooth. However, it is also worth thinking about what happens when many or perhaps all of our teeth are broken down or lost. As it turns out, dental implants in Bromley can still be a helpful treatment for those of us who have lost all our teeth. More specifically, a dental implant treatment known as Implant Retained Dentures. This process combines dental implants with the use of dentures to give patients a new set of natural looking and feeling teeth. Today we’ll take a look at implant retained dentures and their treatment process, as well as what potential benefits getting this treatment can have.


If you do end up deciding that you would like to have implant retained dentures for yourself, then you may wish to consider coming to the Bromley Dental Practice for your treatment. Here at the Bromley Dental Practice, we have a team of skilled and caring staff who listen to you, who give you the time and consideration you need to ask questions needed to decide upon treatment. Our track record, particularly the many 5-star reviews we have received on google, further demonstrate our proud reputation for delivering high quality dental treatment in a way that puts you first.

What are Implant retained dentures?

Implant retained dentures are dentures that are held in the mouth through the use of dental implants. They are designed to look and feel just like regular teeth, and there are a number of both cosmetic and health reasons that getting this treatment can be advantageous. Cosmetically speaking, implant retained dentures can be used to give you a great looking new smile with a natural aesthetic, which many recipients of this treatment have found to give them a boost in self-confidence. In terms of health benefits, implant retained dentures are held firmly in place by dental implants, which allows you to chew and break down food effectively. They are also able to distribute the force exerted by chewing evenly across the jawbone which helps to make chewing easier and helps the jawbone to stay in place. Some people have also found that having implant retained dentures helps them to have a clearer pattern of speech.

Implant retained dentures treatment

The implant retained dentures treatment requires a flap of gum to be lifted so that a socket can be inserted into the jawbone. A dental implant can then be fixed to the socket, and this stage of the treatment is then repeated to allow multiple dental implants to be fixed into the mouth (most often this will be two in the lower jaw and four in the upper jaw). What comes next is a process known as osseointegration, where the mouth is given time to heal – usually around three months – to allow the dental implants to properly integrate with the jawbone. Once this integration is complete, the implant retained dentures can be fixed on top of the dental implants which is usually done using a screw.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Had enough of wobbly dentures? Five advantages of switching to dental implants with Bromley Dental Practice

Tooth loss is rarely something people want to go through. Whether you are 17 or 70, losing one tooth or multiple teeth can be depressing, causing many people to stop smiling as often as they used to.


With all the numerous health benefits associated with smiling, this can be very bad!

Of course, there are solutions to missing teeth; dentures are a mainstay in dentistry, along with fitted bridges. However, both dentures and bridges can move, even with the strongest dental adhesive, creating a less than desirable alternative to having a gap. Also, they often lack bite and can cause difficulties with eating harder foods. Not exactly a great solution!

Luckily, there is an answer. Unless you have been living on a desert island, it is likely that you have heard about oral implants. Fitted to your jaw, implants are a synthetic root for prosthetic teeth, meaning that when you bite into an apple, you won’t be worried about movement!

At Bromley Dental Practice, we are experts at fitting dental implants in Bromley and can help you regain the smile and bite strength that you deserve. We have fitted many patients with implants and have seen their confidence, oral health and well-being improve dramatically. What have you got to lose?

But why should you choose dental implants in Bromley?


As already mentioned, dental implants in Bromley have the added advantage of being fitted in place.

Once your false tooth or teeth are attached, there will be no movement or rubbing against the gums. No movement means more security, allowing you to laugh, smile and eat without a care in the world!


Gaps in your teeth can act like magnets for plaque and bacteria.

If you have a large area of missing teeth, it is likely that you are not brushing that spot correctly, allowing decay-causing bacteria to accumulate. Implants will fill these gaps securely, and stop  plaque building up, leading to an overall healthier mouth! Perfect!

Improved speech

Having something loose in your mouth can cause havoc with your speech. In a similar fashion, gaps in your teeth allow your tongue to move in an unreserved way, creating an identical issue with speaking clearly.

Implants will prevent unwanted tongue movement and, with the additional security of implants, you won’t need to pull odd facial expressions to hold your dentures or bridges in place; what a relief!

Better health

Our teeth are essential for the biting, chewing and grinding of food; like a machine, if there is a cog or spring missing, the machine cannot function correctly.

It is the same for our teeth; if we have one or even a couple missing, we are unable to chew correctly, causing issues with digestion and absorption of nutrients. Having gap-free, secure teeth allows us to chew properly, creating both better digestion and overall health.


No pulling odd faces, no worries about movement or looseness; the main benefit of oral implants is confidence! What more could you want?

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Confused about the types of dental implants available? A basic guide by Bromley Dental Practice

Do you avoid smiling in photographs due to missing teeth? Is it harder to eat your favourite foods because of prominent gaps?


Regardless of your age, missing teeth can be more than a simple aesthetic issue; many people with gaps in their smile avoid social situations more often, alongside feeling embarrassed about smiling or laughing. While in the past, the gold standard of restorative procedures was either dentures or fitted bridges, today, there are more options available.

If you want a more permanent, secure alternative to bridges or dentures, come along to Bromley Dental Practice!

Our team is proud to offer a myriad of restorative procedures to our patients who have lost teeth, with our most popular solution being dental implants in Bromley. Fitted securely to your jaw, these prosthetic teeth do not move, do not cause rubbing and feel just like natural teeth! Perfect.

But, what are the different types of dental implants in Bromley and how does our team choose the right one for you? Read on to find out.

Single implants

The perfect solution if you’re missing a single tooth, typical dental implants in Bromley comprise of one implant being fitted into your jaw, with one prosthetic tooth attached when the implant is secured.

Depending on the overall condition of your jaw and gums, our team may be able to attach the prosthetic tooth once they have fitted the implant, but typically, there is a waiting period of around 6 months, to allow your jaw to grow around the implant, holding it firmly in place.

The prosthesis will be colour, size, and shape matched to the other teeth in your mouth and will look completely natural.

Multiple implants

If you have lost multiple teeth in a row due to injury or illness, then multiple implants are the answer for you!

Using computer technology to predict the best place for the implants, our team will be able to fill even large gaps in your smile using a single or two implants. Fitted to your jaw with a prosthetic bridge or denture, this option looks natural and will once again, be colour, size, and shape matched to the rest of your natural teeth.

Once your jaw has grown to accommodate your implants, your multiple prosthetic teeth will feel like natural teeth, allowing you to bite into your favourite foods without issue.

Fixed dentures

Have you lost all of your teeth due to illness or age? Are you currently wearing a set of dentures but are fed up with them rubbing against your gums? If so, fixed or overdentures are the answer!

Our team will usually place 4 implants into your upper and lower jaw, to ensure that your dentures stay in place securely. Once fitted to your jaw, we will attach the dentures, or prosthetics to your implants and voila! A new set of teeth that can bite, chew and allow you to laugh, without fear of them falling out or moving!

Call our team at Bromley Dental Practice today for more information.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Fed up with having irritating gaps in your smile? 5 benefits of having dental implants fitted

While it may seem obvious, when you look good – you feel good.

In modern-day society, with images of flawless celebrities and other famous people being constantly imposed into our lives, it can feel difficult to be positive about how we look.


However, this can be made worse if you are an adult who, through either illness, neglect or injury, has gaps in your smile.

It can be difficult to feel confident when your smile shows off any flaws in your teeth, but when you have spaces in between teeth, it is practically impossible. While you could approach your dentist about having dentures or bridges fitted to boost your confidence, this can often cause issues with correct fitting and may even lead to painful rubbing against your gums.

Not to worry, there is an answer! At Bromley Dental Practice, we can offer you a more permanent solution to those gaps in your smile, without looking fake, and without the worry of movement. Dental implants in Bromley are a fantastic way to boost your confidence and improve your smile, and will not cause painful sores on your gums. Brilliant!

But what are some of the other advantages to dental implants in Bromley? Read on to find out.

Improved speech

Gaps in your smile causes numerous issues that go far beyond aesthetic appearances.

One of the key advantages of having dental implants in Bromley is improved speech. As your teeth are responsible for holding your tongue in place, losing them can cause problems with pronunciation and inflection.

Having an immovable set of teeth attached to your jaw will restore your speech to its former glory, allowing you to laugh and sing without mispronunciation or lisp.

Stronger bite

A major disadvantage of dentures is that, no matter how strong your dental adhesive is, there is often some strength lacking in your bite.

Implants not only bite like natural teeth but actually feel like natural teeth too, allowing you to accurately judge how much force is needed to bite into food. Brilliant!

Better digestion

When there are gaps in your teeth, you are more likely to swallow large pieces of food. While this may not seem like an issue, it can lead to digestive issues such as excess stomach acid, indigestion, and heartburn. Yikes!

Implants will provide you with the correct support to break down your food into smaller chunks, alleviating any gastrointestinal issues.


One of the best things about oral implants is their longevity.

With correct oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups and healthy lifestyle choices, your new oral implants can last upwards of forty years! Now that’s a worthwhile investment in your smile!

Easy aftercare

Another appeal of implants is the simple after-care.

No need to purchase expensive adhesives or invest in 3 different types of toothbrushes; just brush, floss and rinse like you normally would and your implants should last you a long time. Also, make sure that you attend your check-ups with our team at Bromley Dental Practice bi-annually.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.
