Are dental implants right for me?

If you have lost one, some or all of your natural teeth, then chances are that dental implants in Bromley will be a suitable option for you to be able to regain confidence in your smile, as well as give yourself a significant opportunity to improve your overall well-being.

Dental Implants in BromleyIt is becoming more and more obvious to those who research the connections throughout the human system that our body is a holistic entity. To put it simply, every part of our body is connected in an intimate way and in ways that we are not even aware of yet.

By grasping this concept, we are able to respect that when one part of our body is unwell or even missing, such as the teeth in our mouths, then the rest of our body can suffer in extraordinary ways.

We understand that poor nutrition can lead to tooth loss, but did you know that tooth loss can also lead to poor nutrition? Gum disease is now being linked to heart disease with several theories supporting this truth. The list goes on.

Dental implants in Bromley is a way for you to be able to rectify some damage that has been done to your body, whether it be through poor oral health, a sporting incident or simple ageing. Dentures or bridges are no longer the only options available to most of our patients who benefit from this permanent and comfortable treatment plan.

What is this procedure?

The implant itself is actually a small metal screw that is surgically placed directly into the jaw, supporting bone density and growth as the titanium fuses with the jaw and the surrounding tissues. A crown or a bridge is then fixed permanently onto this screw and acts as a replacement tooth that feels and looks completely natural.

For those people who have dentures, a unique system has been developed which allows for your dentures to be secured onto several implants. This means that if your dentures have begun to slip and slide as you eat, chew and speak, you can reclaim your confidence knowing that your dentures are securely fixed into your mouth.

They are easily removed for cleaning, providing you with a comfortable option that gives you back the freedom and confidence to eat what you wish.

We would be honoured to have you visit us in our practice. Our staff are friendly, approachable and non judgemental. They would be happy to provide you with the information that you need in a non biased fashion, so that you can make an informed decision about whether this treatment will provide you with an improved quality of life.

By using innovative techniques and the latest digital equipment, we are confident that we are able, with dental implants in Bromley, to provide you with results that will make you wonder why you didn’t have this done before.

A positive decision that will bring you results for life, we believe that by offering our patients the best quality care and service, we are giving you the smile that you have always wanted to share with the world.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Why you should consider getting dental implants in Bromley

Here at Bromley Dental Practice, we are committed to providing the local residents of Bromley with a high degree of professionalism, care and consideration. It is our ethos that by forming long standing relationships with the local residents based on trust, empathy, respect and understanding – a truly different type of dentist can be formed. First started by Bristol University graduate Dr Zaki Bashir, the practice has continued to grow and develop over the years and today we are proud to boast a large clientele of local Bromley residents whom we serve and make an active effort to know personally.

Dental Implants in BromleyCosmetic wonders

Some of the most widely popular procedures here at Bromley Dental are cosmetic dental procedures. We offer a full range of cosmetic procedures and methodologies, and understand the bright and wholesome smile can be essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. At your cosmetic dentist in Bromley we also understand that in some cases the reverse can be true – and that having a smile that is crooked, or teeth that are discoloured or neglected – can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s overall wellbeing and self-confidence. As such, there is a large demand for our various cosmetic procedures, which deal with superficial problems with a patient’s teeth. We offer a range of cosmetic treatments, including tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants in Bromley as well as white fillings and invisible braces. Cosmetic treatments of this nature can be massively beneficial in restoring not only a patient’s smile, but also their self-esteem.

Shining front

Tooth whitening is a procedure whereby superficial stains and signs of neglect on a patient’s teeth – such as stains from smoking, drinking coffee or red wine, or just general disrepair – are power cleaned off chemically using specialist equipment. We also offer a range of home whitening kits which can be undertaken from the comfort of a patient’s home. Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic procedure whereby the visible tooth surface is covered with a thin shell of porcelain, and fused to the teeth using a very strong bounding material. This can help brighten a patient’s teeth, as well as fill any gaps within their teeth, making their teeth appear more together and cohesive. Dental implants in Bromley are another cosmetic procedure we offer here, which is only generally used in instances where teeth have been lost or damaged. The dental implant procedure consists of surgically inserting a screw into the space where a patient has a lost or damaged tooth, and then inserting a replica porcelain prosthetic in its place. White fillings are another cosmetic treatment on offer here at Bromley, and are similar to conventional fillings, however the white filling process consists of filling any gaps within a patient’s teeth with a white filling material that is colour matched to the surrounding teeth, and as such undetectable from the outside.

Discreet orthodontics

Invisible braces are another cosmetic procedure on offer here. These are a discreet method of orthodontic alignment that is similar to conventional fused ‘train-track’ braces. The difference being that Invisible braces are constructed using a see through, sometimes removable plastic and as such do not visibly alter the appearance of the patient – unlike ‘train-tracks’.  Treatment of this sort can be vastly beneficial for patients  especially younger ones – as it allows them the ability to undergo essential dental realignment, without attracting any unwanted attention or scrutiny from colleagues or peers.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Making Bromley Smile

Bromley Dental Practice are an independent dental practitioners operating out of Bromley in the south-east of London, established by Dr Zaki Bashir, a University of Bristol graduate. It is their goal to provide a tailored dental service that caters to the individual needs of each of their patrons. At Bromley Dental Practice, it is their belief that they are a different breed of dentists in that they focus entirely on the needs and requirements of each of their patients, rather than adopting the one-size-fits-all approach that is favoured by too many dental practices across the country. Their highly trained team of professional, yet approachable, dental practitioners are there to provide a bespoke dental experience to all patrons – from whatever stage of life they may be.

Dental Implants in BromleyCosmetic wonders

Some of the most popular procedures at Bromley Dental Practice are the various cosmetic dentistry treatments on offer. They believe that a good and hearty smile is essential to a renewed sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, and through the implementation of some of their various cosmetic dental procedures, find that they have helped achieve exactly that. Teeth whitening is one such service offered at Bromley Dental Practice, which can be extremely beneficial in restoring the smile to the faces of their patients. The process of teeth whitening consists of power-whitening the patient’s teeth at the dental practice through the implementation of specialist whitening equipment and methodologies. Also offered are a wide array of home-teeth-whitening kits which can be used at the patient’s convenience.

Invisible braces

Another service offered at Bromley Dental Practice is the installation of invisible braces, which are a cosmetic alternative to conventional, fused ‘train-track’ braces. These differ from conventional braces in that they are fused using transparent plastic alloy braces rather than metal brackets and as such they are almost impossible to see when worn. Another cosmetic dental procedure which is offered at Bromley Dental Practice is the enhancing white tooth filling. Fillings of this sort are similar to convention fillings, only they are made of a white polymer that is virtually indistinguishable from the enamel of the surrounding teeth, meaning patients can say goodbye to the ugly black fillings of yesteryear.

Filling in the gaps

Another dental procedure available at Bromley Dental Practice is the installation of dental implants in Bromley. Typically, dental implants are only used in cases where the patient’s teeth have been lost or damaged beyond repair. The process of installing dental implants in Bromley begins initially with a small hole being made in the patient’s gum – in the gap where the tooth ought to be. Within this hole, a small titanium screw is inserted, and the mouth is left to heal. During this healing period the bone and titanium fuse together. Next, a replica tooth is constructed from porcelain and is screwed in place. Thus, the gap is bridged with a replica, lifelike replacement tooth and the patient’s smile is restored. Treatment of this type can vastly boost a patient’s self-esteem and confidence, giving them back the smile they once had.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Don’t be worried, we’ve made it simple

If you’re about to have dental implant surgery or are trying to make the decision whether to have dental implants in Bromley, you may be concerned about the procedure. Receiving dental implants, like any major change in our lives, takes some commitment. In Bromley, dental implants are worth the time, effort and expense because of the improvement to quality of life.

Dental Implants in BromleyImplants don’t just improve the way you look, they also fully restore your complete tooth, from root to crown. This provides three life enhancing improvements.

Jawbone stabilisation

Once the implant has fully integrated into your jawbone, the jawbone becomes stable. The implant actively encourages natural growth, which ensures the long-term health of your jaw and prevents any further tooth loss.

Lifestyle enhancements

Since bite force is fully restored, you’ll be able to eat and drink anything you like. In addition, dental prosthetics won’t need to be removed for cleaning. You just need to brush and floss as normal to maintain the implant.

Longevity of treatment

The implant is inert in situ, meaning it will not break down or cause irritation to the soft tissue in your mouth. As long as you take care of the implant and prosthetic, your implants can last for many years to come. Although it may seem an expensive restorative process, when you consider that they are a permanent solution, dental implants in Bromley become highly economical.

The actual process

At Bromley Dental Practice, we ensure you are taken care of from start to finish to ensure you feel informed, supported and relaxed when receiving your dental implants. The very first stage is talking you through every stage and ensuring this is the correct procedure for you.

Once you’re happy to go ahead, we will carry out any preliminary treatments that you may need to ensure optimum health of your jawbone. The surgery is quick and safe, and carried out under local anaesthetic. When the implant is in place, we will then advise you on how to take care of yourself while it settles. We’ll check on you with regular appointments until integration has successfully completed. The final stage is placing your permanent dental prosthetics onto the implant, fully restoring your teeth like new.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


New dental abilities

Having dental implants in Bromley will bring a long-lasting transformation to your dental abilities and appearance. The stability of your replacement teeth will rival that of your natural ones, so you can use them without worry. You won’t have to choose soft foods for fear of dislodging your substitute teeth at the dining table. Your implants integrate with your jawbone, so you can bite into and chew those foods you’ve always enjoyed.

Dental Implants in BromleyCustomised improvements

Here at Bromley Dental Practice, we’ve been providing customised dental implants in Bromley to our patients for many years. We can use this procedure for any number of missing teeth. Some of our patients require just a single replacement, whereas others want a whole set. Whatever your particular dental situation, we’ll provide an effective dental replacement that looks great and performs well.

Advances in dental technology mean that temporary replacements, such as dentures and bridges, often look like natural teeth and have a certain amount of user-friendliness. However, only dental implants can give you an integrated solution that doesn’t require any awkward clips or messy adhesives. Once we’ve placed your dental implants in Bromley, they remain where they are. You look after them in the same way you care for your natural teeth.

Who benefits from dental implants in Bromley?

The first thing we need to do is to make an assessment of your current dental health. Our friendly team will help you to feel at ease while they take the necessary measurements of your teeth. You’ll need to have a sufficiently dense jawbone before we can proceed, so we might have to book you in for some preparatory work before we start the implant procedure.

Then, the dentist will place one or more small metal posts into your jawbone. After a rest period, you’ll return to our practice to have your dental implants in Bromley completed, when the dentist securely attaches your custom-made teeth to the posts. You can start to enjoy the benefits of fully-functioning teeth, and these benefits will last for decades as long as you properly care for your dental implants in Bromley.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Strong teeth

Choosing dental implants in Bromley gives you a long-lasting solution to the difficulties caused by missing teeth. Here at Bromley Dental Practice, we’ve been using dental implants to solve a wide variety of tooth loss issues for many years. Our patients benefit from Bromley dental implants in several ways. One of the biggest advantages provided by this treatment is their stability. Once they’re placed, your new teeth do not need to be removed. They don’t add any extra hassle to your oral hygiene routine, so you can continue to live your life as normal.

Dental Implants in BromleyWhy have dental implants in Bromley?

Losing teeth can be a real nuisance. Not only do missing teeth cause gaps in the smile, but they can make eating an awkward experience. Contemporary dentures and bridges are precisely customised and use ingenious methods to simulate the appearance and function of a natural tooth. However, only Bromley dental implants will integrate with your jawbone, to give you stable and powerful substitute teeth that don’t require any clips or adhesives.

If you think implant dentistry is a suitable way forward, you can come to our friendly dental practice for a consultation. We’ll make sure your mouth is in a healthy condition, and that your jawbone is dense enough to receive the implants. We might need to do some preparatory treatments to make sure you’re ready.

Then our dentist will place the implants into your jawbone. The implants themselves are small metal posts, resembling tiny screws. Following a brief spell of rest, you’ll come back to us to have your new teeth firmly affixed to the posts.

Personal progress

Your Bromley dental implants are custom-shaped so that they fit in alongside your remaining teeth. Because they remain in your mouth, they’re as easy to clean as your natural teeth. The advantages don’t end there, though. Bromley dental implants will help you to maintain your facial bone structure. You won’t suffer the sunken appearance that often develops after long-term tooth loss. As long as you maintain them properly, your new teeth will last for decades. You can enjoy the freedom that comes with a fully-functioning set of teeth.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Rock solid replacement teeth with dental implants in Bromley

So, you have started to lose your teeth. You could sit back and ignore what’s going on in your mouth, but at Bromley Dental Practice, we believe that the sooner you get on with replacing your teeth, the better.

This is because your other teeth can be destabilised by the gaps and can even tip into them and fall out.

Dental Implants in BromleySo, why not come into us for a consultation about what method to use to replace your teeth? The latest generation of replacement teeth are on posts that are inserted into the jawbone. These are called dental implants. In Bromley, as in many other places, they have become most people’s first choice for replacement teeth.

Why choose dental implants in Bromley

Dental implants are the only method of replacing lost teeth that give you back your full chewing power without damaging your remaining teeth. They are also the only method that encourages a strong healthy jawbone, ensuring you retain your facial structure as you age.

This may not sound important, but it really is. When you lose teeth, the bone around the now empty socket starts to deteriorate, dissolving itself because it no longer receives impact signals that tell it that it is still in use.

Dental implants replace the tooth roots that deliver these impact signals, and so your jawbone continues to renew itself.

The implants integrate with your jawbone, which grows new tissue all over them. They are held so firmly in place that you can eat whatever you like with them, even steaks and crunchy apples.

Getting dental implants in Bromley

Your dental implants are put in during a minor surgical procedure that is carried out under local anaesthetic. Some people find this quite daunting, so we offer either oral or intravenous sedation to help them relax while we put the implants in.

After a period of healing lasting 2-6 months, your implants will be fully integrated with your jawbone.

Why not give us a call and book yourself in for a consultation? We can take a good look at your jawbone and see if you can have implants fitted.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Why you need a dental implant

When you’re meeting friends, heading to a work meeting or going out for the evening, you might feel self-conscious if you have a broken tooth. It’s the last thing you need when you want to be looking your best. While you might have thought about dentures, for some reason they might not appeal to you. This is where dental implants can be a more appealing alternative.

Dental Implants in BromleyWhat is an implant?

Unlike a denture that sticks to your gum, an implant is fixed into your jawbone. An artificial tooth, such as a bridge or a crown, can then be fixed onto the implant. It’s a process that’s completed over several months, as the jawbone and gums will need healing time between getting the implants and fixing an artificial tooth.

The benefits

Compared to dentures, dental implants can give you greater stability in your mouth without causing any damage to any of your other teeth. You can eat and speak just as you can with your normal teeth. Our dentists have treated many patients with implants to give them the smiles they want. When you’re looking to get dental implants in Bromley, we’re available to give you top-notch care when providing your implants.

Getting dental implants

It can be hard to know where you can get dental implants in Bromley, as not every dentist will offer them. At Bromley Dental Practice, we’re a local dentist that can assist with telling you everything you need to know, as well as assessing you for treatment and how implants might work for you.

When you want to get dental implants in Bromley, you can find us online or call us to take the first step. We’ll be happy to tell you everything you need to know.

Before getting implants

Dental implants in Bromley isn’t a treatment that works for everyone. You can meet with one of our dentists to talk about the procedure and they’ll give you a check-up to assess the condition of your teeth and jaw. It may be that you first need some treatment before getting dental implants. In Bromley, one of our dentists will talk this through with you, so that you can decide if implants are right for you.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Why children and young adults can’t get dental implants in Bromley?

Children can lose their permanent teeth just as adults for many reasons. Whether the result of poor oral hygiene or an accident, missing teeth in children and young adults are more common than you may think. However, dental implants are off limits and you may be wondering why.

While dental implants in Bromley are the go-to teeth replacement option for adults at Bromley Dental Practice, they are not the standard way to replace missing teeth for children.

Dental Implants in BromleyQualifications for dental implants in Bromley

Children cannot have dental implants because they may impede the proper growth of their jawbone. Children’s teeth are not all permanent and their jaws are still developing. This means that dental implants will not function as effectively as they do in adults. Dental implants can stop a tooth from coming in naturally and this can lead to further dental problems such as implant failure and further tooth loss.

The minimum age for dental implants is 15 years old, provided that teenagers have had all their adult teeth and are healthy enough to undergo an implant operation. Our experienced dentist will examine your child’s teeth carefully and determine if dental implants in Bromley is the right treatment for your child.

You should also take into consideration that girls may be able to have dental implants earlier than boys, because bone growth in them usually occurs faster. Before agreeing to dental implants, our dentist will ensure that the jawbone has finished growing, or at least has reached the point where dental implants won’t prevent the natural growth of the rest of the teeth.

Alternatives to dental implants in Bromley

Not many children and teenagers want to have a missing tooth. However, instead of being left with gaps in their smile, they can investigate alternatives to dental implants. Crowns, bridges, braces and space maintainers are safe and effective options that will hide gaps in their smile and help the new teeth grow properly.

Dental implants are not the only solution

To learn more about your child’s eligibility for dental implants in Bromley and the alternatives, please book your consultation appointment today.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Remodel your smile with dental implants in Bromley

In your head, picture the perfect smile. Talk to a friend and ask them to do the same. You could compare your ideas and there are bound to be differences. It’s the same if you ask anyone else. Even if we have similar benchmarks such as cleanliness and brightness, the overall vision is usually personal to each person you ask. One thing you will notice, however, is that no one’s vision of a perfect smile includes missing teeth. We all know that large gaps between the teeth do not look or feel great.

Dental Implants in BromleyAt Bromley Dental Practice, we can work with you to remodel your smile using treatments like dental implants in Bromley.

What do dental implants do?

Dental implants in Bromley are designed to fill gaps in your smile with natural looking teeth. Even if you have multiple teeth missing, you can still consider dental implants. If they are adjacent to one another, you may be able to have more than one tooth mounted on a single implant. How many implants you need is one of the things that we will investigate during your initial consultation. Once this is complete, you will have a clear picture about the desired course of your treatment as well as plenty of knowledge about the beneficial impact that dental implants can have on your life.

Treatments that work together

Dental implants in Bromley can work well with other treatments if you have a combination of missing teeth and teeth that can be left in place, but which need some work. For example, you can have one or several teeth replaced after whitening your remaining teeth. The dental implants can be matched to the new shade of your natural teeth, so it looks like you have a whiter smile as well as a complete set of teeth.

If you are going to address issues with your smile, you might as well go all the way and request a treatment plan that brings all of your teeth – old and new – up to the same high standards of health and appearance. A smile makeover is an investment in your appearance, your confidence and in the future health of your smile.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.
