Invisalign: the way to a beautiful smile

With alignment issues such as crowded or gapped teeth, over or underbites, or crossbite, there is a treatment that we offer here at Bromley Dental Practice that is almost invisible to other people. Invisalign in Bromley is a treatment that consists of plastic aligners that are transparent, so only the teeth should be visible to other people. The aligners are removable, so with Invisalign in Bromley, you won’t need to worry about wearing them when you are eating, or when you are cleaning your teeth. You will be able to continue eating normally and you should also be able to maintain excellent oral hygiene standards. Getting a beautiful smile has just got a whole lot easier!


What do aligners do?

Aligners are worn on top of your teeth like a gum shield and they press against the teeth to push them into the correct alignment. You will have to switch between your aligners every couple of weeks, and we will give you the number of aligners you will need for 6 weeks. After this, you can then come to see us for a check-up and we can provide you with the next aligners that you will need. The aligners are made precisely for your mouth using iTero technology. This is a digital scan that we use to obtain the precise measurements of your mouth for your aligners to be made for you, so you should find that they are very comfortable to wear as they are made for your mouth alone. From the scan, we can also generate an animation of what your teeth will look like by the end of the treatment, so you can be clear what the end goal is, before you have started your Invisalign journey. This should motivate you to wear your aligners, if you need any encouragement!

Beauty and benefits

Aside from getting a wonderful smile, Invisalign in Bromley can also allow you to brush your teeth properly. Once your teeth are in alignment, they should be much easier to clean. You could also discover other benefits, such as improved speech and the ability to chew your food properly. You may also find that if you had jaw pain, prior to treatment, that this is also reduced or eliminated as well. There are so many reasons to love Invisalign, alongside the fact that you could achieve your new smile in as little as 6 to 18 months. What’s not to love about that?


If you want to find out more about how Invisalign works and if it’s the right treatment for your needs, make an appointment for a consultation with our friendly, professional and highly experienced team. We will examine your mouth to ascertain what your alignment issues are, before recommending the best treatments for you. We will explain what each entails, so that you can make an informed decision. If we do recommend Invisalign and you choose to go ahead with it, you could have a healthy and happy smile that you can be proud of in a matter of months.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Invisalign in Bromley: come to Bromley Dental Practice to get the experience you need!

Having alignment issues such as crossbite, over or underbites, crowded or gapped teeth can cause low self-esteem. However, there’s no need to let this feeling linger! At Bromley Dental Practice, our dentist, Dr Bashir, has over 15 years’ of experience in treating patients with Invisalign in Bromley. Invisalign is a treatment that offers a discreet way of realigning your smile. It is a form of plastic aligners, which, when worn over the teeth, are virtually invisible. This means that no matter where you are going or what you need to do, you should be able to wear your aligners with the confidence that nobody is going to be staring at your mouth. With results being achieved from between to 6 to 18 months, you can also feel assured that Invisalign in Bromley is the treatment you need to get the results in the most time-efficient way possible.


How does Invisalign work?

The Invisalign system involves bespoke aligners. We make these for you by digitally scanning your mouth for the precise measurements required to have your aligners manufactured for you. From this, we can also show you an virtual representation of how your teeth will look after the treatment, before we even start the treatment! This will allow you to visualise how great your new smile is going to be and will remind you of why you’re embarking upon an Invisalign journey with us. When you wear your aligners, they press the teeth to gradually move them into the correct position. You will be required to change your aligners every couple of weeks, for 6 weeks, after which you will then need to come and have a checkup with us and get some more for the next 6 weeks.

Why Invisalign?

If Invisalign is deemed an appropriate treatment for your specific needs, then you should be pleased for many reasons. Firstly, it allows you to have your teeth discreetly treated. Also, you will be able to remove the aligners for a couple of hours each day. This is useful as it means that you won’t need to wear them while you are eating and drinking, so you won’t have to worry about cleaning your aligners, nor will you have to avoid eating any foods that could damage them. What’s more, you will also be able to take them out, when you are brushing your teeth (don’t forget to floss too!) This means that you should be able to keep your teeth and gums in good condition, whilst having your teeth realigned.

A further advantage of Invisalign is that the aligners will be comfortable as they are uniquely made for your mouth, but also because the plastic is smooth and shouldn’t catch on the inside of your mouth. At Bromley Dental Practice, we believe that getting a great smile shouldn’t be an uncomfortable experience and we hope that Invisalign delivers when it comes to getting treatment without any hassle.

Initial consultation

We offer a free consultation to discuss treatment options, so if you are considering Invisalign, why not come and meet us? Our friendly, professional and experienced staff will be happy to explore the treatment options that are available to you after examining you and you can ask all the questions you need to make an informed decision about your treatment plan. We’re here to listen to you and get you the smile you want!

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Straighten your teeth with invisalign in Bromley

There are many factors that affect the alignment of your teeth and as each smile is unique we understand that different patients are looking for different orthodontic treatment options to meet their dental requirements and suit their personal preferences. If you would like to straighten your teeth then speak to us at Bromley dental practice and book a consultation. We will find out everything that we need to know with regards to your medical history and any underlying issues which may be affecting your health. We will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that they are clean, strong and healthy and we will carry out a smile assessment to identify and assess the factors that are affecting your teeth’s alignment and we will carry out a safe digital x-ray which will be taken to get a view of the teeth and surrounding bone and jaw structures. With this information here at Bromley Dental Practice we can put together a bespoke treatment plan for you.


By carrying out a thorough examination we will know what issues are affecting your teeth or jaw and we can also explain what may happen if no treatment is done, the best time to start the treatment and which type of braces will be most suited for your dental requirements. We will be able to tell you whether you require fixed braces or if invisalign in Bromley could be the ideal treatment for you.

How does Invisalign in Bromley work?

Invisalign in Bromley is a very popular method of teeth straightening that has helped correct many millions of smiles across the world. You will undergo a 3-dimensional scan of your teeth to digitally create an image of your teeth. This image will be manipulated using invisaligns very own iTero technology that will show you how your teeth will look following successful treatment with Invisalign in Bromley. This software also helps design a sequence of invisalign aligners which will work together to help you achieve the end result.

Invisalign aligners are transparent and made up of a specialist polymer which is flexible and therefore fits your teeth with accuracy, precision and comfort. These aligners are designed to be worn for two weeks at a time, after which you switch to the next aligner in the series. The aligners will apply gradual pressure on your teeth to push them into a neater formation. This will help improve the overall appearance of your teeth and your face and it will also help improve the health of your teeth, preventing dental complications in the future. Here at Bromley Dental Practice you can improve your smile within 6 to 12 months with Invisalign in Bromley and not only is it a comfortable and convenient treatment option it is also very discreet and you will not have to draw unwanted attention to your mouth whilst you are undergoing treatment.

Speak to us at Bromley Dental Practice today and find out more about Invisalign in Bromley and how it can help improve the health and appearance of your teeth.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Bromley Dental Practice makes time for Invisalign in Bromley!

So, you’ve decided you want to get your teeth realigned? Perhaps you have issues such as crossbite, under or overbites, crowded or gapped teeth and you’ve been dreaming about looking in the mirror and seeing a whole new smile? Whatever your alignment issues, here at Bromley Dental Practice, we have a range of treatments to address them and get you a beautiful smile. For mild to moderate conditions, we frequently recommend Invisalign in Bromley. To help you access your treatment, we have convenient opening hours, including late nights, lunch times and Saturday mornings. It’s just one of the ways that we like to show our patients that we care about making it possible for you to get the treatment you deserve to receive and to help you get a beautiful smile.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment that consists of aligners. We place these over your teeth and they push them into the correct position in as little as 6 to 18 months, on average. You will need to change your aligners every week and we will give you enough aligners to do this for 6 weeks, before you need to come and see us for a checkup. At the checkup, we will then give you the next 6 weeks’ worth of aligners.

Why should I consider Invisalign?

Invisalign in Bromley offers many benefits for patients. Firstly, when the aligners are worn over your teeth, they should hardly be visible, because they are made of plastic, which is transparent. This could give you more confidence to continue with your life as you get your teeth aligned, wearing them for 22 hours a day. Yes, you read that right! For 2 hours of the day, you can also remove your aligners; this includes at mealtimes, so you won’t need to adapt what you eat to avoid damaging your aligners. You can also take them out to ensure that you clean your teeth properly, and you can also remove them for other things like playing sports, juggling, or skipping – we love happiness! – the choice is yours!

A further reason to choose Invisalign is that they can be custom made for your mouth, which means that they should be comfortable for you to wear. Using iTero technology, we will digitally scan your mouth to get the measurements for the aligners to be made, and we will also produce a 3D animation of how your teeth will look after the Invisalign treatment is completed. It can be a really motivating part of your Invisalign journey, seeing how great your smile will be before you’ve even got started!

Will Invisalign hurt?

You shouldn’t feel any pain with Invisalign and, although you may need to get used to having aligners in your mouth, you should quickly get used to them. You may have experienced jaw pain or chewing difficulties as a result of your misaligned teeth. As your teeth become realigned, you will hopefully start to feel this discomfort diminish too. The same could also be said for speech difficulties, if you have had issues with this.

Come and see us!

To find out more about how we can help, why not book in for an initial consultation, where we can examine your mouth, listen to your concerns and discuss treatment options with you? You can ask all the questions you like – we love quizzes! – and we want you to feel confident about the treatment plan that we will be able to devise together. We will spend time getting to know you and hope that you feel relaxed in our friendly and welcoming practice that you can come to at a time that should fit in with you.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Invisalign in Bromley for a beautiful, healthy smile

Invisalign has been helping people correct the misalignment issues of their teeth for over 20 years. During this time Invisalign has been used by more than 12 million patients to address their dental needs. It has now become the world’s most popular teeth-straightening method, the treatment of choice amongst dentists and patients alike. With Invisalign in Bromley you can address the aesthetic issues affecting your teeth comfortably and conveniently at your discretion. This is why Invisalign in Bromley is such a popular choice of teeth straightening. Where traditional orthodontic braces are highly visible in the mouth, Invisalign aligners are made of clear thermoplastic and are almost invisible in the mouth. Invisalign in Bromley can be used by patients of all ages. It can be used with teenagers and it can be used with adults who are either looking to address their orthodontic issues for the first time or have undergone orthodontic treatment when they were younger.


Advantages of Invisalign

If you are thinking about teeth straightening then you need to speak to us at Bromley Dental Practice and learn more about Invisalign in Bromley. Invisalign is suitable for those with mild or moderate orthodontic cases, whilst more complicated orthodontic issues are better treated using traditional orthodontic methods or fixed orthodontic braces. Invisalign consists of removable aligners that you can take off and replace as necessary. Therefore, they are highly convenient and do not affect your eating habits, your lifestyle choices, or the way you brush or floss your teeth, so that you can clean your teeth as usual. They are widely reported as being very comfortable to wear and take no time getting used to. They do not affect your speech or the appearance of your mouth; rather they are designed to fit snugly over your teeth with accuracy and precision.

The process

Speak to us and book an assessment today. We will identify the issues that are affecting the appearance and health of your teeth and we will decide whether or not Invisalign will be the right treatment for you. If we are happy that your teeth are clean and healthy and that you can go ahead with teeth straightening, then you will have a three-dimensional, specialised digital scan which will be used to develop a digital image of your teeth, to show how Invisalign can change the aesthetics of your smile for the better.

The scan results will be used to put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you which will outline the number of aligners that you need and the duration of the treatment to achieve the smile that you are looking for. The aligners will then be manufactured using the scan results for accuracy and precision, after this you will receive the full set of aligners and you will be ready to begin the process. You can book an appointment for the initial fitting after which you can work your way through the aligners yourself. However, you will need to visit our dentist on a regular basis to make sure that the process is coming along successfully.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Discreet and convenient teeth straightening with Invisalign

Invisalign in Bromley is a modern and highly efficient cosmetic orthodontic treatment procedure for addressing the misalignment of your teeth. Invisalign in Bromley quickly became one of the world’s most popular teeth straightening procedures after its introduction in 1999. In the last two decades it has helped correct more than 12 million smiles and it is one of our most popular cosmetic dental treatments here at Bromley Dental Practice. Invisalign have reported that they make approximately 750,000 aligners every day. If you would like to find out about addressing the misalignment of your teeth then visit our website or speak to us and ask about Invisalign in Bromley and let us help you achieve a beautiful smile very soon.


Invisible aligners

One of the most attractive features of Invisalign in Bromley is that it replaces metal wires and brackets with clear plastic aligners to help straighten your teeth. This means that adults and teenagers who have previously been reluctant to undergo traditional orthodontic treatment, because they wish to prevent drawing further attention to their mouths, are now happy to address the misalignment of their teeth due to the subtle nature of Invisalign in Bromley.  Invisalign is a discreet method of teeth straightening and the aligners are almost invisible when worn in your mouth. You can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing that you are undergoing dental treatment.

Comfortable and convenient

Not only are the aligners discreet, but they are also comfortable to wear, convenient and easy to maintain. Most patients report that within 24 hours they are accustomed to the sensation of the aligners in their mouth. Each aligner needs to be worn for approximately 20 to 22 hours of the day, however, you take them out at meal times and this is the perfect opportunity to soak them in a cleaning solution, enjoy your meal, brush your teeth and floss and then place the aligners back into your mouth for the rest of the day. Each aligner is designed to be worn for approximately 2 weeks and then you move on to the next aligner in the series. They are individually manufactured using 3D printing and therefore they fit your mouth with accuracy and precision.

Invisalign at Bromley Dental Practice

To create your aligners we first carry out a smile assessment to identify the issues that are affecting the appearance of your teeth, as well as making sure that you have no underlying dental issues that may be exacerbated by the treatment or the results of the treatment. You will then undergo a three-dimensional scan which creates a digital image of your mouth and this is sent to the Invisalign laboratories to create your individually tailored aligners. You will receive the aligners within a few weeks so that you can begin the procedure and we will provide you with the full set of aligners so you can change them in the comfort of your own home. Our dentist will examine your teeth after every two or three aligners and make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at the practice today to find out more.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Invisalign in Bromley our little secret for super smiles!

Shhh! Don’t tell everyone, but here at Bromley Dental Practice, we want you to know that the smiles you see in a magazine aren’t always the smiles that people are born with. Cosmetic dentistry has helped patients to achieve beautiful smiles, and we are proud to be providers of one of the key treatments for aligning smiles in a discreet, convenient and effective way. Invisalign in Bromley is a treatment that offers a comfortable and time-effective way of getting your teeth in line without other people knowing how you are doing it. It is a non-invasive treatment that involves iTero technology and our years of experience!


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system that uses clear plastic aligners that can be worn over the teeth (think of a rugby gum shield but far more streamlined!) These transparent aligners show your teeth through them; other people shouldn’t realise that you have anything in your mouth at all. As you wear the aligners, they apply pressure to your teeth to gradually move them into the position that is required to give you a superb smile – get the cameras ready! Cheeeeeeeese!

How are the aligners made?

The aligners are fitted bespoke to your mouth. Here at Bromley Dental Practice, we use iTero technology to take a digital scan of your mouth. From this scan, we get the measurements that are required to have your aligners manufactured in the Invisalign laboratories. We will then provide you with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners, and you must change between these every week; each aligner will use a varying degree of pressure to gently move your teeth. You should then come in to see us for a checkup and to receive the next batch of aligners.

Invisalign in Bromley has yet another trick up its sleeve! When we have taken the scan of your mouth, we can generate a 3D animation of how your teeth will appear once the treatment has been completed before you even get started! It can be a really motivating factor in your Invisalign journey.

Any other benefits to Invisalign?

Although every patient’s needs will be different, Invisalign can be used to treat mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbites, underbites, overbites or crowded or gapped teeth. The treatment times are typically between 6 to 18 months, so you could have a beautiful smile within a short amount of time.

Another advantage of choosing Invisalign is the fact that the aligners are removable for up to 2 hours a day, which means that you can eat and drink as normal without having to clean your aligners afterwards. You will also be able to maintain your normal oral hygiene routine by brushing and flossing regularly, and you won’t have any obstacles in your mouth to try and clean around.

Come and visit us

To find out more about whether or not Invisalign in Bromley is the right treatment for you, simply book an initial consultation with our professional and experienced dentists. We will be able to examine your mouth to determine what your treatment options are and discuss these with you, and you can ask us anything you like! We’ll even tell you our favourite film if you’re interested! If Invisalign is the treatment for you, nobody should realise you are being treated unless you decide to tell them, so shhh! Let the magic happen and keep the mystery alive!

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Common questions about Invisalign answered by our team

In adult life, both professionally and personally, people will judge you on your appearance or, more specifically, your smile. This means if there is misalignment, spacing or overcrowding, this can lead to insecurities around showing off your pearly whites.


You may have concerns that the only way to straighten your smile in your adult life effectively will be to use a fitted metal brace, which is unlikely to reduce any insecurities that you may have. However, there is now an option of using an invisible aligner for many adults who are looking for a more simplistic way to straighten their teeth.

At Bromley Dental Practice, we are always happy to talk to our patients about the possibility of using Invisalign in Bromley: a clear aligner that can be moulded to the shape of your teeth; it certainly offers a simplistic alternative to braces while also being visually discreet.

Are you curious to know more about Invisalign in Bromley? Read on for our team’s answers to common queries that we receive from our patients about this aligner.

Are aligners better than braces?

Aligners can certainly seem better than braces, especially if you are looking for an option that is visually discreet. However, one thing that our team will have to consider when assessing you for Invisalign in Bromley is the complexity of your misalignment. If it is mild to moderate, then we will certainly begin planning for you to wear this invisible aligner. If it is more complicated and involves the movement of molar teeth, then you will likely require a fitted brace.

Will they take longer to straighten my teeth?

On average, invisible aligners take between 3 to 6 months to straighten teeth. In adult patients, fitted braces usually take between 12 to 36 months to straighten teeth. So, there is an obvious time advantage with invisible aligners. Remember, however, that your suitability for these aligners depends on the complexity of your misalignment.

How often will I need checkups?

You will need to see our team at Bromley Dental Practice on average every 6 to 8 weeks while using clear aligners. There is an app that can be downloaded on smartphones, which will enable our team to assess the progress of this aligner from selfies that you send to us once a week; this can also reduce the time needed in the surgery.

Can they correct an overbite?

Invisible aligners can indeed correct overbites, underbites and crossbites, as well as issues with overcrowding, spacing and general misalignment. They can help with minor issues related to protrusions too. But remember, whether you can use an invisible aligner will depend on the severity of the overbite and any associated complexities..

Are they expensive?

Our team at Bromley Dental Practice can offer suitable patients financing options to help them cover the costs associated with invisible aligners. That way, patients can get the straighter smile they want without having to worry about their monthly budgets. So, no, invisible aligners are not expensive and can be fitted into your budget with ease.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Invisalign in Bromley for a healthy straight smile

If you want to straighten your teeth without drawing further attention to your mouth and with as few visits to the dentist as possible then you need to speak to us at Bromley Dental Practice and find out about Invisalign in Bromley. First introduced here in the UK only two decades ago, Invisalign in Bromley has quickly become one of the most popular choices for teeth straightening. Invisalign has helped correct millions of smiles across the world in this short period of time and this number continues to grow on a daily basis. If you have crooked or wonky teeth then you need to speak to us at our dental practice to find out more today.

Initially when Invisalign in Bromley was first introduced it was designed to target mild misalignment issues of the teeth such as protruding front teeth, slightly crooked or wonky teeth. With continuous research and development being carried out to maximise the effect of Invisalign, it is now able to correct more complicated orthodontic issues. This includes overlapping teeth, gaps in the teeth and bite disorders such as crossbite, overbite and underbite. By addressing these problems Invisalign not only helps improve the appearance of your smile, but it also helps promote better dental health.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern teeth-straightening procedure which uses a series of clear thermoplastic aligners which work together to change the position of your teeth to form a neatly aligned smile. The clear aligners provide a highly discreet alternative to traditional orthodontic braces. The aligners are found to be significantly more appealing for adults who are reluctant to undergo treatment with traditional orthodontic braces. This is because they can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary, whilst traditional orthodontics are carried out using fixed braces which are glued to the surfaces of your teeth and remain in your mouth for the duration of the treatment. The discretion of the aligners and the convenience of the treatment procedure have led to the growing popularity of Invisalign amongst the adult population across the world. More people than ever before are correcting the aesthetic aspects of their teeth, including teeth straightening, so speak to us at our dental surgery today to find out how you can do the same.

Our dentists are highly trained in the Invisalign system to help you achieve a successful outcome. You will undergo a smile assessment to begin with to find out the factors that are affecting the appearance of your smile. You will also need to undergo an examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that they are healthy and that Invisalign is suitable for you. Once you are ready you will need to have a three-dimensional scan of your teeth which is sent to Align technology, the manufacturers of Invisalign, who will create a series of aligners for you according to the scan results. These aligners are designed to place constant pressure on your teeth to push them into a neater formation. If you are interested, please contact us to find out more.

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.


Invisalign in Bromley: how to get the dream smile in secret!

At Bromley Dental Practice, there is some cloak and dagger stuff going on. We don’t expect Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson to crack the case, and this isn’t magic that only members of the Magic Circle can know about – we’re happy to let you in on the secret. If you have misaligned teeth, Invisalign in Bromley is a discreet and convenient treatment for improving the appearance of your smile. The treatment is so discreet that nobody should realise that you have anything in your mouth at all! You can even remove the plastic aligners for up to 2 hours a day so that you won’t have anything in your mouth when you are doing things like eating and drinking, allowing you to maintain your regular diet and brush and floss as normal. Invisalign in Bromley is offered to patients with their adult teeth, and there is a special range for teenagers as well.


How does Invisalign work?

When considering treatments, it helps to consider your lifestyle and individual needs to decide if a treatment is right for you. Invisalign in Bromley works by supplying you with batches of aligners that need to be changed every week, and every 6 weeks you will need to see us for a checkup and receive your next 6 weeks’ worth of aligners. As you wear your aligners, each set will apply an amount of pressure on your teeth to gradually move them into the desired position. Treatment can take, on average, 6 to 18 months.

The aligners are made to measure your mouth bespoke thanks to the iTero technology that we use to scan your mouth. With the scan, we get the measurements needed to make your aligners, and we can also generate a 3D animation of how your teeth will look once treatment has been completed. This means that the aligners should be comfortable to wear, and you will have an excellent idea of how your teeth will look once treatment is completed right from the offset.

What are the other advantages of choosing Invisalign?

Invisalign is discreet and arguably more appealing to patients as fixed metal braces can be considered more embarrassing by some wearers. Of course, Invisalign is only suitable for mild to moderate alignment issues, and if you have a more complicated alignment situation, fixed braces may still be the way forward for you. Having said this, we have other treatment options that can be explored with you if necessary.

With Invisalign, the plastic is durable and hardwearing, and you don’t have to wear them while you eat, meaning that there’s no mess to clean up!

Come and see us

To find out more about how we can help and whether or not Invisalign is a treatment that could be right for you, book in for an initial consultation. We look forward to discussing your concerns and aims with you, examining your mouth thoroughly and being able to present you with a range of treatment options. If Invisalign is a treatment you wish to go with, remember to keep it a secret, and no one will know that you are having your teeth realigned. It’s a secret worth keeping, but you can always let the cat out of the bag if you want to give Sherlock the day off!

Bromley Dental Practice

Zaki graduated from University of Bristol 1999 and has practiced in Kent since then. He is passionate about dentistry and providing the highest standard of care for patients, at the same time, he keeps himself at the cutting edge of modern dental techniques.
