Unfortunately, accidents happen; whether you fell down the stairs, got into an altercation or were involved in some other kind of mishap that resulted in a severe knock to the face, it has still caused a tooth to come loose and fall out. We at Bromley Dental Practice understand that this can be a very distressing situation for many people, but would like you to rest assured that with dental implants in Bromley, the solution to fixing the new gap in your smile is tried and tested and can make your smile look just like new again.

The danger of missing a tooth
Even just losing one tooth can create a host of problems in your mouth that you may be unaware of. If a front tooth gets knocked out the obvious main concern is that your smile is affected and you may lose a lot of confidence because of it, and if a back molar falls out, you may have issues with chewing; but what is more concerning than either of these things is the knock-on effect it will have on the other teeth. When space opens up between teeth it gives the other teeth an opportunity to move and shift and even to become infected.
What the root of a secure tooth does when it is anchored in the jaw is support the bone structure, if the root is pulled out, you will begin to lose bone mass in that area over time and it will become more difficult to get an implant to secure itself in place. The loss of bone mass will begin to change the shape of your face, making your cheeks appear sunken and aged, due to a loss of fullness, but all this can be avoided with dental implants in Bromley.
The single implant
For some people more than one tooth needs replacing, sometimes it’s a whole row, but in the case of an injury resulting in a single missing tooth, your surgery won’t take as long as a major smile replacement, and the healing time will be much quicker.
Once the dentist has made sure the area is clear of debris and is properly prepared for the implant, they will then place the titanium implant into the bone and sew the gum shut once more. Then a temporary tooth is attached to the area, so that you won’t need to worry about your aesthetics while you wait a few months for the bone to fuse with the implant.
At your final appointment, your dentist will check that the fusion process has worked correctly and if the implant is stable then a more permanent tooth is fixed to the abutment which is attached to the implant.
By restoring your mouth to its most natural state, you can boost your confidence with a winning smile that allows you to eat, talk and laugh as you normally used to prior to the accident, also there is no change in lifestyle with dental implants in Bromley. You can clean your teeth as usual, in fact, you may very probably forget that you even have an implant and prosthetic, due to how well they fit and function inside your mouth.